Letter from Managing Director

Dear Investor,

Welcome to Turner Securities Ltd, a provider of innovative non-bank financial solutions. This Prospectus contains information about this Secured Note issue. It also provides information about us, outlining our business model and what we do. It details the type of investment we are offering, factors you should consider when investing in this product, how to make an application and what you can expect us to do as part of this process.

Our core business is the issue of fixed interest investments and the utilization of those funds to provide specialist mortgage lending to borrowers who require flexible terms and conditions. These market segments represent an opportunity for us to meet a specific demand for alternatives to traditional banking sector intermediaries. We are able to respond promptly to assess the client’s need, negotiate logical prudent solutions and provide a decision on applications from our senior management who are directly involved in the process.

The purpose of this issue is to continue raising funds to finance our ongoing lending activities which are focused on building a portfolio of quality registered mortgage loans using Secured Note funding programs.

Our strength is based on the diversity and depth of skills of our Directors and management. Their experience spans the banking and finance, property valuation and funds management and accounting sectors. The Board comprises a majority of non executive directors for best practice corporate governance. It is from this sound foundation that the Company can build a profitable and sustainable future servicing the registered mortgage property financing markets. A key to our success will be meeting the needs of our investment and borrowing clients based on our core values of respect, integrity, simplicity and excellence.

Investing in Secured Notes issued by us is an opportunity for Investors to include an investment product with a competitive fixed rate of return in their portfolios.

I trust the information contained in this Prospectus will help you understand our clear focus and assist you in determining why you should consider including the Secured Notes issued pursuant to the Turner Securities Ltd Secured Note Prospectus as a part of a well balanced portfolio of investment assets.

As Managing Director of Turner Securities Ltd, it gives me great pleasure to present to you our eighth Prospectus.

Yours faithfully

Ken Flint
Managing Director

Turner Securities provides a consistent monthly income

for investors through fixed interest Secured Note Investments, backed by registered first mortgages over real property in Australia.