Management of Risk

Experience: over 30 years

The Company directors and management team has an extensive background in banking and finance, legal, accounting, property valuation and building project management disciplines. This includes specific experience in the control of finance risk associated with a mortgage portfolio through evaluation of business plans, cash flow budgeting, property development analysis, review of construction project management strategy and key management skills, assessment of lending credit risk and operational risk, loan portfolio monitoring and servicing, arrears management and debt recovery.

The credit policy, approval process, credit committee and lending authority structures are based on this history of management experience honed over three decades of economic cycles in the property, banking and finance and commercial lending business markets in Australia.

In addition, specialist external national expertise is utilised in the areas of property valuation, legal documentation and auditing and this provides the Company with access to the latest market information, industry trends and research resources.

Turner Securities provides a consistent monthly income

for investors through fixed interest Secured Note Investments, backed by registered first mortgages over real property in Australia.